Fertilizing Service

 "We are here to help YOU create your lush, healthy & green grass." 

"Relax & Leave the Fertilizing to Us"

Residential * Commercial * Licensed * Insured 

Source:  hgic.clemson.edu

Warm Season Grass (Centipede, Bermuda, St. Augustine, Zoysia) - A good rule of thumb is to wait to fertilize your warm-season grass until nighttime temperatures are around 70 ºF.  

We offer Fertilizing Services from end of April - August 15.

We use Slow-Release Granular Fertilizer products from SiteOne , Harrells & OMRI Listed Organic Fertilizer from Mirimichi Green to fertilize your lawn.

We recommend having a soil pH sample test done.   Optional OM Organic Material test on your soil is also beneficial.

For other type of Turf grass, please see Clemson Extension website below for more info on Fertilizing and/or taking care of your turfgrass.   In addition to your fertilizing, follow your grass type's Lawn Maintenance Yearly Program.  Links are provided below for your convenient.  

FYI - For Your Information


Do not over-fertilize with nitrogen or apply nitrogen fertilizer after August 15.

To achieve darker green color, broadcast iron containing product or foliar apply on the turf a liquid solution of iron sulfate (dissolve 2 ounces iron sulfate in 4 gallons of water) including a surfactant (5 drops of a dishwashing detergent) per 1,000 square feet, or foliar apply a chelated iron source following label instructions.

An iron solution treatment should be made as needed for green turf color between regular fertilizer applications in April, July and September for the Coastal Plains (consider turf fertilizers that contain iron).

Foliar apply the iron-containing solution in the late afternoon only when the air temperature is greater than 80 degrees F and soil moisture is adequate for good turf growth.

Source:   HGIC Clemson.edu & Clemson Agri Lab

Reach out to for more info:

Clemson Extension HGIC

TEACH Center at the Citadel Mall - next to Belks

2070 Sam Rittenberg Blvd C412

Charleston, SC 29407

843-737-3942 or 1-888-656-9988  

Coastal Plain and Sandhills Regions of South Carolina (See notes section below for a more detailed recommendation.) 

Lawn Fertilization Schedules for Various Turfgrasses & Geographical Areas of South Carolina. 

Coastal Plain and Sandhills Regions of South Carolina  (See notes section below for a more detailed recommendation.)

C = Apply a complete fertilizer (e.g., 16-4-8 or 12-4-8) at 1.0 lb N/1000 square feet for high maintenance lawns or ½ lb N/1000 square feet for low maintenance lawns.  An additional potassium application at 1 lb K/1000 square feet in late August through mid-September may increase turfgrass winter hardiness.

N = Water-soluble inorganic nitrogen source (e.g., ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulfate with urea) is applied at 1.0 lb N/1000 sq ft. for higher maintenance lawns and ½ lb N/1000 square feet for low maintenance lawns. The first N fertilizer application for the year should be made once the grass has greened up and growing in the spring. The addition of potassium when applying nitrogen will benefit most lawns especially in sandier soils.

K = when applying N fertilizer alone, an addition of potassium (K) may benefit the turf especially in sandier, well-drained soils during high rainfall years, as potassium tends to leach from sandy soils rather quickly.  Potassium can be applied by itself such 0-0-60 or can be applied in an incomplete fertilizer with a 1-0-1 ratio such as 15-0-15.    Additionally, some preemergence herbicides come mixed with 0-0-7 fertilizer.

Fe = apply iron to provide greener color without stimulating excessive grass growth.  Ferrous sulfate (2 oz in 3-5 gal water per 1000 square feet) or a chelated iron source may be used when temperatures are 80 ºF and good soil moisture present.  This will also be beneficial where the soil pH is high or alkaline.

N+ = to reduce chinch bug problems, use a slow-release N source during the summer.

N? = monitor weather conditions and temperatures before applying your first N application in the cooler regions of South Carolina. Late winter/early spring cold temperatures could set your first fertilization later by several weeks.


Total yearly nitrogen rates listed per 1000 square feet are suggested guidelines.  Actual rates depend on the desire aesthetics and location.  Those desiring optimum aesthetics may choose the higher rates.  The higher rate range also may be needed for lawns located in sandy soils and/or those with longer growing seasons nearer the coast.  Lawns being grown on heavier clay soils may perform fine with lower N rates especially in locations with short growing seasons.

Fertilizing centipedegrass in excess of 2 lbs N/1000 square feet per year is not normally recommended as this often results in the disease/winter-kill phenomena termed ‘centipedegrass decline’ due to excessive thatch.  Also, once established, centipedegrass should not receive additional phosphorus fertilizer unless soil tests suggest otherwise.

Be aware that fertilizing turf using a high maintenance program will require more frequent mowing and could lead to an increase in insect and disease problems, especially during warm, wet periods.  A disease and insect monitoring program will need to be instituted to monitor for problems.

For southern (warmer) regions of each geographical zone listed, fertilizer dates may be 1 to 2 weeks earlier in spring and 1 to 2 weeks later in the fall than listed.

Source:  Fertilizing Lawns | Home & Garden Information Center (clemson.edu) 

Printer Friendly Format:   hgic1201 Lawn Fertilization Schedules for Various Turfgrasses & Geographical Areas of South Carolina.pdf | Powered by Box 

Reference Website:  www.lesco.com

This info is from Lesco and SiteOne.  It is for REFERENCE only to assist you as a homeowner.  Source:  www.Lesco.com 

Improper spreader settings can lead to a waste of time and money if too much product is used and callbacks from customers if too little product is dispersed.  Starting with the appropriate setting for your specific machine will help.  When using a LESCO product, find the designated setting listed on the bag and then cross reference that number to your particular spreader type using the attached documents.  

Keep in mind that labeled settings on the product bag and those listed within the charts are approximate and should be used as a starting point only. Many factors influence product delivery rate including but not limited to regularity of calibration, operator walking speed, maintenance history of spreader, and weather conditions.    

Contact your SiteOne® branch to inquire about spreader settings for equipment not listed or for additional technical support. 

Reference Info: Determining Spreader Settings | LESCO 

Photo Source: https://hgic.clemson.edu/

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