Lawn Maintenance Calendar

 "We are here to help YOU create your lush, healthy & green grass." 

We start with your SOIL Amendments

"See info below from Clemson HGIC and UGA Extension offices" & your Local Landscape Companies" 

Residential * Commercial * Licensed * Insured 

Keep Your Lawn Healthy & Beautiful!  Don't Wait.  Schedule Us Now.

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How to take care or your Lawn.

Clemson Cooperative Extension website has details on yearly maintenance programs for your turf grass type.  Turfgrass Links are provided below for your convenient.  

Clemson Cooperative Extension HGIC website also have information on other things such as Fruits & Vegetables, Indoor Plants, Food, Entomology, Etc.   Please visit their website.  The information is free, and you can speak to one of their specialists, ask questions and it's free. 

Please contact Clemson Cooperative Extension if you have any questions about your lawn, trees, shrubs, garden, etc.

Source:  Home & Garden Information Center | Clemson Cooperative Extension | Clemson University, South Carolina 

Clemson HGIC local office in Charleston

Please consult with Clemson Cooperative Extension office to get other feedback about your lawn, shrubs, trees, etc.   It's a free service.  Clemson HGIC is located next to Belks @ Citadel Mall. 

Clemson HGIC Teach  


OR 1-888-656-9988

Care & Maintenance

Click on the type of grass to see Care & Maintenance brochure.

REF ONLY:  Courtesy of:

Source:  Sod - Carolina Fresh Farms 


Office 843-771-3634

Factsheet | HGIC 1205 | Published: Feb 5, 1999 |  Source:

Lawn grasses need to be mowed properly. This chore is often taken for granted unless you realize that mowing directly affects the health and quality of a lawn. When mowing a lawn, important factors to consider include height of cut, frequency of cut and type of mower used. For the best appearance, mow turfgrasses at the best height for growth as determined by the grass species. You can usually mow a grass that spreads horizontally shorter than an upright-growing bunch-type grass. Grasses with narrow blades can generally be mowed closer than grasses with wide blades. Mow turfgrasses under stress — such as heat, drought or shade — at a higher level of cut. Table 1 outlines mowing heights for lawn turfgrasses in South Carolina.

Proper mowing is important in creating a good-quality lawn because it encourages a dense stand of grass plants. A dense turf keeps out weeds through competition for sunlight and nutrients. A weak, thin turf allows weed seeds to germinate and grow.

Mow regularly. A good rule-of-thumb is to remove no more than one-third of the grass height at any one mowing. For example, if you are maintaining your centipede lawn at 2 inches, mow the lawn when it is about 3 inches high. Cutting off more than one-third at one time can stop the roots from growing and would require frequent watering during dry summers to keep the plants alive. Also, following the one-third rule will produce smaller clippings that will disappear quickly by filtering down to the soil surface. If the grass becomes too tall between mowings, raise the mowing height and then gradually reduce it until the recommended height is reached.

Keep Your Lawn Healthy & Beautiful!  Don't Wait.  Schedule Us Now.